List of all Germany-wide handicapped accessible driving schools with address: Driving schools for the disabled near you (2024)
Driving schools with handicap training: Are you looking for a driving school for the disabled near you? In the following section you will find a list of all driving schools for the disabled in Germany. The data has been compiled independently, the contact details including website and telephone numbers have been checked and the accuracy of the information has been certified by the driving schools. You can easily select the driving schools for the disabled according to your place of residence using zip codes or federal states, e.g. you will then find the best driving schools for the disabled in NRW or the best driving schools for the disabled in Bavaria. Most of these handicapped driving schools offer driving licenses for people with paraplegia, loss of motor function in both legs, missing arms or legs, hemiparesis, dwarfism and neurological impairments. For example, the accelerator, brake or clutch are modified, the left-hand throttle or rotary knob extended, the pedals modified and operating elements added. Driving licenses for people with spinal cord injuries are also no problem. If you are deaf, we recommend sending a direct email to the driving school to find out whether they offer lessons in sign language. As this usually depends on the driving school instructor and they often change companies, we recommend contacting the driving school directly. In most cases, the same companies also offer motorcycle training. There are a number of driving schools that specialize in driving training for the disabled. Don't worry if you have a more severe disability, such as tetraplegia, MS or muscle diseases, which require individual vehicle adaptation with easy-to-use driving aids.

Tom's driving school
- Zip code: 38855, Driving school, Saxony-Anhalt
Provider details
- Am Lüttgegraben 2
- 38855
- Wernigerode
- Phone: 0394344422

Sponer (Reinhard Sponer)
- Zip code: 61118, Driving school, Hesse
Provider details
- Friedensstr. 14a
- 61118
- Bad Vilbel-Heilsberg
- Phone: 01752424741

Seidler (Silvio Seidler)
- Zip code: 09648, Driving school, Saxony
Provider details
- Main street 74
- 09648
- Altmittweida
- Phone: 037273564
Driving school Schulterblick (Lars Rauer)
- Zip code: 53121, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Endenicher Str. 343
- 53121
- Bonn
- Phone: 022885027990

Sandra's driving school
- Zip code: 53783, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Asbacher Str. 24
- 53783
- Eitorf

Ole's driving school
- Zip code: 18106, Driving school, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Provider details
- Vitus-Bering-Str. 31a
- 18106
- Rostock

Losleben (Peter Losleben)
- Zip code: 08280, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Goethestrasse 1
- 08280
- Aue
- Phone: 0377153956

KWIOTEK (Horst Kwiotek)
- Zip code: 97082, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Frankfurter Str. 45
- 97082
- Würzburg
- Phone: 093144444
Driver training Rettig GmbH
- Zip code: 51067, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Berg.-Gladbacher-Str.408-412
- 51067
- Cologne
- Phone: 022196265581

Kath (Hans-Jürgen Kath)
- Zip code: 06493, Driving school, Saxony-Anhalt
Provider details
- Lindenallee 5
- 06493
- Ballenstedt
- Phone: 01717709306

Karasu Driving School (Resul Karasu)
- Zip code: 33609, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Herforderstr. 252a
- 33609
- Bielefeld
- Phone: 01636000345

Holger's driving school
- Zip code: 14913, Brandenburg, Driving school
Provider details
- Bleichhag 1
- 14913
- Jüterbog
- Phone: 03372407586

Herzog Ltd.
- Zip code: 88400, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
- Rollinstr. 13
- 88400
- Biberach
- Phone: 073519830

Driving school Zuch
- Zip code: 59457, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Bäckerstr. 17
- 59457
- Werl
- Phone: 069586380

Driving school R+U
- Zip code: 25451, Driving school, Schleswig-Holstein
Provider details
- Schulstr. 1
- 25451
- Quickborn
- Phone: 04106612873

OTTO Driving School
- Zip code: 90559, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Burgthanner Str. 61
- 90559
- Mimberg
- Phone: 01715330422

Driving school Longen
- Zip code: 45711, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Hohe Str. 23
- 45711
- Dates
- Phone: 023638074909

Driving school Hölzenbein
- Zip code: 54472, Driving school, Rhineland-Palatinate
Provider details
- At Treffgen 78
- 54472
- Come
- Phone: 065369339905

Hollmann Driving School
- Zip code: 09355, Driving school, Saxony
Provider details
- Hauptstr. 100
- 09355
- Gersdorf
- Phone: 01789719076

Driving school H. Schopphoven
- Zip code: 41189, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Beckrather Str. 16
- 41189
- Mönchengladbach
- Phone: 01743284997

Brugger Driving School
- Zip code: 89520, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
- Aalener Str. 36
- 89520
- Heidenheim
- Phone: 07321480204

Beermann Driving School
- Zip code: 27239, Driving school, Lower Saxony
Provider details
- Harpstedter Str. 7
- 27239
- Twistringen
- Phone: 04243942550

Driving school team Peter Rasbach
- Zip code: 56170, Driving school, Rhineland-Palatinate
Provider details
- Am Goldberg 43
- 56170
- Bendorf

Enzo`s Driving School
- Zip code: 71063, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
- Ziegelstr. 27
- 71063
- Sindelfingen
- Phone: 01786393065

Driving school Drive with MI
- Zip code: 78224, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
- Main street 70
- 78224
- Singing
- Phone: 0172 586 3056

The smart driving school GmbH
- Zip code: 13581, Berlin, Driving school
Provider details
- Klosterstraße 28
- 13581
- Berlin
- Phone: 030 30 10 28 10
ATV GmbH (ATV Training Center for Transport and Traffic)
- Zip code: 87700, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- In the New World 10
- 87700
- Memmingen
- Phone: 08331/ 49 40 09

Driving school André Wittek
- Zip code: 12459, Berlin, Driving school
Provider details
- Wilhelminenhofstr. 27/28
- 12459
- Berlin
- Phone: (030) 535 44 22
Driving school Körber e.K.
- Zip code: 80636, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Leonrodstrasse 42
- 80636
- Munich
- Phone: 089-182086

Driving school Zweifel GmbH
- Zip code: 60439, Driving school, Hesse
Provider details
- Severusstrasse 44
- 60439
- Frankfurt - Heddernheim
- Phone: 069 / 586380

B2M Mobility School Mönchengladbach GmbH
- Zip code: 41061, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Croonsallee 29
- 41061
- Mönchengladbach
- Phone: 02161 / 20 91 95

Verkehrsinstitut Hanse GmbH
- Zip code: 25499, Driving school, Schleswig-Holstein
Provider details
Disability training at the Team Driving School:
- Driver's license training in theory and practice (also in German sign language)
- Retraining of driving license holders for disabled vehicles
- Preparation of necessary appraisals and expert opinions
- Fitness to drive test for insurance companies, accident insurers and employers' liability insurance associations
- Fitness to drive test for driving license categories A, B, BE, C1, C1E, C, CE, forklift trucks and other industrial trucks
- Comprehensive advice on all matters relating to driving licenses, all official matters, possible applications to funding agencies, technical Motor vehicle-Assistance and vehicle purchases
- Advanced seminars as part of the probationary driving license and to reduce points for disabled persons
- Safety training for disabled people in cooperation with the Hamburg traffic police
- Accident prevention training in cooperation with Verkehrswacht Hamburg
- Dorfstr. 94a
- 25499
- Tangstedt
- Phone: 040 55677 24

South Sauerland Traffic College
- Zip code: 57489, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Deafness - instruction in sign language possible
- Lindenstr. 20
- 57489
- Drolshagen
- Phone: 02761 73-824
- info@verkehrsfachschule-sü

Tom's driving school
- Zip code: 38855, Driving school, Saxony-Anhalt
Provider details
- Am Lüttgegraben 2
- 38855
- Wernigerode
- Phone: 03943 44422
SW-Rehamobil GmbH Vehicle conversions for the physically disabled
- Zip code: 44329, Driving school, NRW, Conversion
Provider details
- Nikolaus-Groß-Str. 5
- 44329
- Dortmund
- Phone: 0231 981296-0

Start Driving School Koblenz UG
- Zip code: 56068, Driving school, Rhineland-Palatinate
Provider details
- Moselring 1
- 56068
- Coblenz
- Phone: 0261 29634782

Seela traffic school
- Zip code: 38104, Driving school, Lower Saxony
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Petzvalstr. 40
- 38104
- Brunswick
- Phone: 0531 37003-173
- Zip code: 21149, Driving school, Hamburg, Conversion
Provider details
- Cuxhavener Str. 36
- 21149
- Hamburg
- Phone: 040 79687230

PARAVAN GmbH Vehicle conversions for the disabled
- Zip code: 69123, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school, Conversion
Provider details
Our range of services:
- Large e-wheelchair and vehicle exhibition
- Competent initial consultation with driving test
- PARAVAN Driving School Heidelberg
- Strength measurements and detailed movement analyses in the mobile test vehicle by competent in-house experts and driving instructors.
- Driving license assessment according to §11 Fev by officially recognized experts of the TÜV
- Specialist workshop for vehicle conversion and service with our partner Würth
- Am Taubenfeld 39
- 69123
- Heidelberg
- Phone: 06221 739209-0

Paravan GmbH
- Zip code: 72539, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- High paraplegia and progressive muscle diseases - systems that require particularly little effort to operate (e.g. linear, joystick steering, power-assisted throttle and power-assisted brake).
- Paravan-Str. 5-10
- 72539
- Pfronstetten
- Phone: 07388 9995-947

PARAVAN Driving School Heidelberg
- Zip code: 69123, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school, Conversion
Provider details
- Expert initial consultation with a free, no-obligation driving test and analysis of physical impairment and disability
- Strength measurements, expert opinions and movement analyses in the driving school's mobile test vehicle
- Necessary tips on the medical-psychological report for driving a motor vehicle (which reports are important)
- Fitness to drive assessment in accordance with §11 FeV by an officially recognized expert from the TÜVif you have a driver's license
- Disability training in a driving school car adapted to your needs
- Driving school vehicles equipped with the latest technology
- Each car is individually adapted to you and your disability at the driving school before training begins
- With our Space Drive digital driving and steering system, we offer you a special kind of driving school
- Our competent and specially trained driving instructors will guide you to successfully passing your driving test
- Am Taubenfeld 39
- 69123
- Heidelberg
- Phone: 06221 7392090

Orli driving school owner: Daniel Seiffert
- Zip code: 12439, Berlin, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Schnellerstr. 60
- 12439
- Berlin
- Phone: 030 6717871

Ole's driving school
- Zip code: 18106, Driving school, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Motorcycle training - motorcycle technology available
- Vitus-Behring-Str. 31a
- 18106
- Rostock
- Phone: 0381 12007-63

North Sea Driving School
- Zip code: 25813, Driving school, Schleswig-Holstein
Provider details
- Plan 19a
- 25813
- Husum
- Phone: 04841 776644

- Zip code: 48249, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Friedrich-Ruin-Str. 50
- 48249
- Dülmen
- Phone: 02594 2424

Mobilcenter Zawatzky GmbH Cologne branch
- Zip code: 51065, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
- Frankfurter Str. 200
- 51065
- Cologne
- Phone: 0221 297204-11

Mobilcenter Zawatzky GmbH Driving School Zawatzky
- Zip code: 69151, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- High paraplegia and progressive muscle diseases - systems that require particularly little effort to operate (e.g. linear, joystick steering, power-assisted throttle and power-assisted brake).
- Motorcycle training - motorcycle technology available
- Am Kalkbrunnen 1
- 69151
- Neckargemünd
- Phone: 06223 2155

Mobilcenter Zawatzky GmbH
- Zip code: 74909, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
- Bemannsbruch 2-4
- 74909
- Meckesheim
- Phone: 06226 9217-0

MILA Driving School City
- Zip code: 10437, Berlin, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Milastr. 4
- 10437
- Berlin
- Phone: 030 44017717

State Association of Hessian Driving Instructors e.V.
- Zip code: 63069, Driving school, Hesse
Provider details
- Bert-Brecht-Str. 4
- 63069
- Offenbach
- Phone: 069 846-397

Kfz-Service und Umrüstungs GbR Dirk Weber and Jürgen Herrmann
- Zip code: 17498, Driving school, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Provider details
- Zum Vossberg 5
- 17498
- Helmshagen
- Phone: 03834 509319
JG Group Heinrich-Haus-gGmbH
- Zip code: 56566, Driving school, Rhineland-Palatinate
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Deafness - instruction in sign language possible
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Alte Schloßstr. 1
- 56566
- Neuwied
- Phone: 02622 892-0

Your Göttingen driving school
- Zip code: 37075, Driving school, Hesse
Provider details
We offer you disabled driver training with a vehicle that is tailored to your needs and can be individually adjusted,
- Hand throttle/brake system, with control satellite
- or steering satellite on the steering wheel
- Accelerator pedal relocation
- Pedal extension
- Weender Str. 51
- 37075
- Göttingen
- Phone: 0551 3794055
- ihre-gö

Günter's driving school
- Zip code: 35321, Driving school, Hesse
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Schottener Str. 11
- 35321
- Laubach
- Phone: 06405 90200

Gumpertinger & Hocheder Fahrschul GmbH
- Zip code: 83395, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Laufener Str. 23
- 83395
- Freilassing
- Phone: 08654 9824

Vacation driving school Hense GbR
- Zip code: 91217, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Ostbahnstr. 37
- 91217
- Hersbruck
- Phone: 09151 2215

Driving school team Thorsten Gels
- Zip code: 49811, Driving school, Lower Saxony
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Rheiner Str. 108
- 49811
- Lingen
- Phone: 0591 51403
Driving schools Herbert Griebel
- Zip code: 81827, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Wasserburger Landstr. 268
- 81827
- Waldtrudering
- Phone: 089 4301850

Yellow-Drive driving school
- Zip code: 82418, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Reschstr. 2
- 82418
- Murnau
- Phone: 08841 3840

Driving school Wolfgang Schmidt
- Zip code: 35708, Driving school, Hesse
Provider details
- Sudetenstr. 7
- 35708
- Haiger
- Phone: 02773 6883

Driving school Wolfgang Fischer
- Zip code: 74206, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
- Mathildenbadstr. 51
- 74206
- Bad Wimpfen
- Phone: 07063 480

Winter Driving School
- Zip code: 90441, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Holzwiesenstr. 2
- 90441
- Nuremberg
- Phone: 0911 668655

Driving school Wilken GmbH
- Zip code: 26670, Driving school, Lower Saxony
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Augustfehner Str. 6
- 26670
- Uplengen
- Phone: 04956 4051-80

Driving school Wilfried Klame
- Zip code: 55128, Driving school, Rhineland-Palatinate
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Hans-Böckler-Str. 8
- 55128
- Mainz
- Phone: 06131 34242

Wiegele Driving School
- Zip code: 77767, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Ortenauer Str. 29
- 77767
- Appenweier
- Phone: 07805 59490

Driving school Westermann
- Zip code: 51381, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
A specially converted automatic vehicle, with suitable special solutions for many physical limitations, is available for practical training.
- Deflection lever: The deflection lever allows the blinker or wiper lever to be operated on the opposite side of the steering wheel.
- Steering aids: With a steering aid (rotary knob, rotary fork, trident), the steering wheel can be turned quickly, safely and comfortably with one hand or the stump of an arm.
- Remote control: The remote control on the steering wheel has 18 functions for operating the lights, windscreen wipers, indicators and horn etc.without having to let go of the steering wheel.
- Left accelerator pedal: The pedal design allows the accelerator and brake to be operated with the left foot.
- Manual control unit: The manual control unit allows you to operate the brake and accelerator by hand. It is operated by pressing in the direction of the dashboard (braking) or pressing down the control lever (accelerating). An easy-to-use locking device helps when stopping at traffic lights or changing the selector lever to another gear.
- Pedal lock: When working with the hand-held control unit, a cover prevents unintentional operation of the original pedals.
- Quettinger Str. 194
- 51381
- Leverkusen
- Phone: 02171 58280-0

Driving school Weidenhof GmbH
- Zip code: 66333, Driving school, Saarland
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Völklinger Str. 15
- 66333
- Völklingen
- Phone: 06898 4746

Walter Becht Driving School
- Zip code: 75173, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the category:
Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Bleichstr. 46
- 75173
- Pforzheim
- Phone: 07231 22398

Driving school W. Englert GmbH
- Zip code: 71706, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Am Marktplatz 12
- 71706
- Markgröningen
- Phone: 07145 7223

Vogel & Sohn Driving School
- Zip code: 99310, Driving school, Thuringia
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Auf dem Anger 1a
- 99310
- Arnstadt
- Cell phone: 0173 3549241

Urban Driving School
- Zip code: 42799, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the category:
Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Brückerfeld 15
- 42799
- Leichlingen
- Phone: 02175 3031

Driving school Undheim
- Zip code: 90547, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
We offer the following training options with our handicap vehicle:
- Paraplegia
- Loss of both legs
- Loss of a hand / an arm / a foot / a leg
- Hemiparesis (paralysis on one side of the body)
- Muscular or neurological diseases, z. B. Multiple sclerosis or muscular dystrophy, paralysis of arms or legs, spasticity
- Hauptstr. 54
- 90547
- Stone
- Phone: 0911 676282

Driving school and advice center for people with disabilities
- Zip code: 75337, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- High paraplegia and progressive muscle diseases - systems that require particularly little effort to operate (e.g. linear, joystick steering, power-assisted throttle and power-assisted brake).
- Hummelbergstr. 17
- 75337
- Enzklösterle
- Phone: 07085 9206644

Ulsenheimer Driving School
- Zip code: 97421, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Seestr. 24 1/2
- 97421
- Schweinfurt
- Phone: 09721 21732

Driving school Ulrich Brinkmann
- Zip code: 33100, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the category
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- High paraplegia and progressive muscle diseases - systems that require particularly little effort to operate (e.g. linear, joystick steering, power-assisted throttle and power-assisted brake).
- Auenhauser Weg 9
- 33100
- Paderborn
- Phone: 05251 640300

Driving school Udo Keil
- Zip code: 06449, Driving school, Saxony-Anhalt
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- High paraplegia and progressive muscle diseases - systems that require particularly little effort to operate (e.g. linear, joystick steering, power-assisted throttle and power-assisted brake).
- Oberstr. 40
- 06449
- Aschersleben
- Phone: 03473 4497

Driving school A. Schwantge
- Zip code: 06108, Driving school, Saxony-Anhalt
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- At the orphanage wall 5
- 06108
- Hall
- Phone: 03455510353

Tesch Driving School
- Zip code: 88400, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Kolpingstr. 52
- 88400
- Biberach
- Phone: 07351 74851

Syring Driving School
- Zip code: 14478, Brandenburg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Käthe-Kollwitz-Str. 44
- 14478
- Potsdam
- Phone: 0331 8102-21
Sunny Driving School
- Zip code: 39108, Driving school, Saxony-Anhalt
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Lessingstr. 66
- 39108
- Magdeburg
- Phone: 0391 7335965
Simonsen Driving School
- Zip code: 24937, Driving school, Schleswig-Holstein
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Bahnhofstr. 21
- 24937
- Flensburg
- Phone: 0461 17219

Driving school Simokat GmbH
- Zip code: 31275, Driving school, Lower Saxony
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Motorcycle training - motorcycle technology available
- Iltener Str. 20
- 31275
- Lehrte
- Phone: 05132 4956

Driving school Sepp Kögl
- Zip code: 82538, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
We offer the possibility of driver's license training for people with disabilities.
- Hand-held control unit
- MFD Commander
- Commander
- Left gas
- Pedal cover
- Adalbert-Stifter-Str. 65
- 82538
- Geretsried
- Phone: 08171 90299

Driving school Seidel GmbH
- Zip code: 30163, Driving school, Lower Saxony
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the category:
Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Göbelstr. 21
- 30163
- Hanover
- Phone: 0511 661012

Schröder Driving School
- Zip code: 91177, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
- Eysölden B 22
- 91177
- Thalmässing
- Phone: 09173 9108

Schodorf driving school
- Zip code: 97424, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Karl-Götz-Str. 18-20
- 97424
- Schweinfurt
- Phone: 09721 49977-0

Driving school Schmitt GmbH
- Zip code: 69207, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
- Am Kantenbuckel 7
- 69207
- Sandhausen
- Phone: 06224 53962

Schmid Driving School
- Zip code: 73033, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Poststr. 37
- 73033
- Göppingen
- Phone: 07161 659820

Schlachter Driving School
- Zip code: 67071, Driving school, Rhineland-Palatinate
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Dürkheimer Str. 18
- 67071
- Ludwigshafen on the Rhine
- Phone: 0621 62977-91

Driving school Schilf GmbH
- Zip code: 88639, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Goat meadows 3
- 88639
- Forest
- Phone: 07578 7644514

Driving school Schardt
- Zip code: 29328, Driving school, Lower Saxony
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Lindenstr. 4
- 29328
- Faßberg
- Phone: 05055 8371

Salot Driving School
- Zip code: 27570, Bremen, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Neurological restrictions (also since birth) with and without physical impairments - medical knowledge of the instructing driving instructor available
- Friedrich-Ebert-Str.44
- 27570
- Bremerhaven
- Phone: 0471 22218

Driving school S&S
- Zip code: 31134, Driving school, Lower Saxony
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Zingel 39
- 31134
- Hildesheim
- Phone: 0512 112657

Driving school Rössler
- Zip code: 70437, Baden-Württemberg, Driving school
Provider details
- Haldenrainstr. 112
- 70437
- Stuttgart
- Phone: 0711 801243

Driving school Riesenbeck GmbH
- Zip code: 49545, Driving school, NRW
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- At the Proll 3
- 49545
- Tecklenburg
- Phone: 05482 6190

Ramackers Driving School
- Zip code: 97082, Bavaria, Driving school
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Frankfurter Str. 45
- 97082
- Würzburg
- Phone: 0931 44444
Driving school Ralf Wiesenberg Location: Sülte
- Zip code: 19077, Driving school, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Provider details
- Hasenhäger Str. 31
- 19077
- Sülte
- Phone: 03865 4465
Driving school Ralf Wiesenberg
- Zip code: 19053, Driving school, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Provider details
According to self-disclosure of the driving school by means of a questionnaire survey of the Federal Association of Driving Instructor Associations, training is offered for the following categories
- Paraplegia, loss of both legs - gas, brake and if necessary Coupling can be operated by hand
- Missing arm and/or leg, hemiparesis - Left throttle and/or knob present.
- Small size - adapted pedals and controls available
- Wismarsche Str.137
- 19053
- Schwerin
- Phone: 0385 5557555